Tuesday, May 12, 2015

The Following S3 E12 & 13 Deal with the Devil

For those who have not seen the episode, all I will say is that it did not play out like I expected.

Now for those who have seen it, read on because there's spoilers.

So things I predicted and knew was going to happen... I was sure that they were going to go after Theo's weakness, i.e. sister.  I knew that a major character was going to get stabbed but I thought Max or Gwen was going to be the target and I thought it was going to be to death.  I knew Tom was going to be used and that he was going to probably be part of the plan to capture one of the good guys.

Now the parts that were a great surprise was Baconman going full on vigilante, capturing the sis and then torturing her (a little weak on the technique but this is primetime and not HBO).  They seemed to have toned down the graphic aspect of the show since season 1, other than the man in the box episode. I was also surprised that the way Tom was going down was going to be acid to the face, I expected him to be around a little longer and then get stabbed the traditional way.  I was also surprised by Daisy's betrayal against Mark but then this is reminiscent of Emma and her slicing her favorite boy's neck.  I think it is pretty obvious that Daisy is going down in the finale.  

The moment Mike declared his undying love was the moment I was sure him or Max was going to get stabbed.  I was just expecting the stabbing to result in death but I guess they were not ready to go that far in case the show did get renewed.  I still think that if they knew they were getting cancelled they wouldn't have played it so safe and actually killed off Max or the pregnant Gwen.  It would have been very risque since shows tend not to kill off the pregnant girl but it did work well for a certain movie that I will not name.  But most who have seen it know exactly which one I'm talking about. 

The most disappointing thing was seeing Theo play out as such a weak character in these episodes.  Considering all the buildup, I really expected him to pull out some more impressive killer techniques and plans but he is coming off a lot more desperate and short-sighted.  He also seems much more dependent on his groupies than his impressive lone wolf approach in his introductory episodes.  I hope that they step it up with the final episodes to make him or this new evil organization worth all the hype of the prior episodes.  Show some powerful, secret villain moves!

Anyway, it's hard to say what they will pack into the final two episodes but considering this week, I doubt they'll be killing off who I thought they would.  I'll be posting screenshots later on and probably add a couple to my Baconman Series...  Now the question is what new characters or scenes should I add to my collection?  I was doing it all basic MS paint with the help of some Imgur effects but now I think I'm ready to upgrade to trying out GIMP software for my fun little project.

Baconman Series